Fascinating tales about my life on the way to and living in London

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


As most of you know, my commute in Denver was a one mile walk down the hill that took me about 17 minutes unless it was snowy or icy. I loved not having any hazards and always knowing what time I would be at work.

In London, I can do a combo of walking, taking a bus or taking the tube. I have experimented with different ways and they all take between 30 and 45 minutes. Today, however, I had a commuting adventure that lasted 90 minutes! The busses were running behind and then they were full. So I had to wait for the 6th bus to come by before I got on. Needless to say, that waiting too about 25 minutes! Then I got on the tube and the train I was on was suddenly shut down at one station. So we all had to get off and wait for the next train which was another 15 minutes of waiting!

So after that adventure, I was glad to get to work and thought I'd just take one bus home to not complicate matters. But wouldn't you know, that bus broke down!!! Just not my day for commuting; I should have stayed in bed I guess!

1 comment:

Marjorie Vawter said...

It was good to talk to you yesterday, even though your commute wasn't going your way. You know a lot of people are praying for your protection, especially in a place where public transportation has been targeted openly by terrorists. So I'm thanking the Lord, that for whatever reason, His hand of protection was on you yesterday, especially.

Always love to hear your voice!
Love you much,