Fascinating tales about my life on the way to and living in London

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I have my formal phone interview tomorrow (Thursday) morning with some people in London. It is just a formality, as I have the job, but it's a good way to make sure we are both on the same page as far as the work I will be doing and expectations as far as advancement and other career opportunities. I am excited to be able to talk to a couple other people besides the ones I have already communicated with. Plus, this marks the first official step from the London side! The process has begun!

In other news...I have no other news about London. I have been really busy at work, so I have only had a little bit of time to read my latest book, GenXpat. It's a really interesting look at life as an expat and a gen X-er. Technically, I am one year behind the gen-X crowd since it ends in 1981, but I find it fitting anyway. What's one year, right? Other books I have read are Expert Expatriate, Living in London, Buying or Renting a Home in London, and a few other general books about transitioning to a life in London. I have some others marked to buy and I am slowly accumulating and learning as I go along. It's been fun and interesting!

Hopefully I'll have some more information after tomorrow's call. I need to get going and write down some questions and make my thoughts coherent...

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