Fascinating tales about my life on the way to and living in London

Saturday, March 8, 2008

London Symphony Orchestra

Last night I went with a friend from work to hear the London Symphony Orchestra perform Mahler's Symphony No. 7. For those of you who have known for me awhile, you will know about what I sometimes think of as my "former life" where I was a frequent visitor to the symphony and had some training in classical music. Since my "new" life as an accountant, I haven't had the pleasure of enjoying classical music as much and last night was a welcome return to that. I had forgotten how much I love listening and watching as the music is performed - seeing how much the conductor is immersed in what he loves, musing on how music is the same no matter what language you speak, letting the music tell me its story.

Randomly, we ran into another work colleague and her roommate so we went out for dessert after the concert and had a great time talking. I am starting to make some friends here and am settling into life in London more and more each day. Today I am working, but plan to explore some in my neighborhood this afternoon. I haven't decided what my new London experience will be tomorrow, but I'm sure it will be exciting!

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