Fascinating tales about my life on the way to and living in London

Friday, July 24, 2009


In a drastic contrast to Oslo, I LOVED Copenhagen! The city was bright and friendly, had amazing architecture and such a fun vibe. It helped that the weather was gorgeous and I got to take a free canal boat ride all around the city. The buildings are painted all different colors and are well-kept. I have to rank Copenahgen as one of my top 2 favorite cities in Europe so far (tied with Krakow)!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Your pictures and blogs are priceless! Being your Geary grandparents'cousin, I want to be your friend on Facebook, please. I'm very new and not sure how to do it since I do not have your email address. My mother came from Denmark and in 1994 my sister Ruth and her daughter and I went to D. to find her roots. It was fascinating and fun. Will tell you more when we get connected. Eleanor Wright